Bush Coffee and Working Bee 5 June

Tēnā Koutou te whānau

Nau mai haere mai ki te Urupa track a te Rātapu nei - 5th June 10:30am to 2:30pm 😀

Come along to our weeding working bee this Sunday. We will celebrate 3 years (yes 3 years lol !!) of weeding on Sundays with bush coffee and snacks provided (kai will be at the first seat you get to when you walk up from the bottom of the track).

As always, you're welcome to come just for the coffee, food and a yak. There is no obligation to weed - just turning up shows your support for the kaupapa and the ngāhere. And you do not need to stay the whole time.

If it's your first visit, come and learn all about it. We have weeding gear, but you will need suitable footwear for track walking.

Ngā mihi Jo


Hongoeka Marae Puna Maumahara


He hui ‘25 ngā tau: Te Heke Mai Raro’